Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chapter 3 - Muddiest Points

So...what are your questions about chapter 3? What would you like to discuss on Thursday before the test?


  1. I still don't really understand the difference between a recursive formula and an explicit formula

  2. I am still having trouble with developing an accurate regression line and understanding the signifigace the regression line has to the problem.

  3. I am having trouble figuring out how to set up the explicit formula. I dont think we spent enough time on it. Can we do a few problems in class?

  4. i understand how to write a recursive formula but what does the n>2 stand for at the end of the formula and does that number ever change?

  5. im confused on the formulas and how to exactly solve them, like on the review # 11 - Given the function g defined by g(r) = 5r(4th power) - 7, g(-6). It equals 6473, but i dont understand how to get to that

  6. i need help writing explicit formulas. in #19 of the review a1 =-4. an=an-1+6, for integers n greater than or equal to 2. and then the answer is an=6n-10 and i do not understand how to get that.

  7. a recursive equation. how do yuh set those up?. the point slope formula, and those equations. how do yuh which is which?!.

  8. like everybody else i am still having trouble with the recursive equation and how to set it up so i was wondering if we could discuss it just a little more in class before the test


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